Recently Paul Boag showed dissatisfaction at the fact that most ecommerce sites don't work without Javascript, which stand against progress enhancement. Coincidentally, I am just now in the middle of working on a Javascript library that aims to make using CSS3 features and writing cross-browser CSS easier. So this got me thinking...
I love Javascript! I won't make any secret of this. I also love writing ajaxy web applications. Although I allow that there's value to making your site work without Javascript, to me, at least, it bares a lower priority. Of course, as is always the case, the answer depends very much on your target audience. Google Docs, for example, is more of a software tool than a web site, and so it wouldn't really make sense to make it work without Javascript - the result probably wouldn't be very useful anyway, because the essence of Google Docs, is the UI.
However, to consider the applicability of my Javascript library, I must consider whether it is acceptable to web designers that their design requires their users to have Javascript enabled.
And so, I resolved to survey how some of the major web sites and web applications look like and work like with Javascript disabled, so as to get a sense of what is the accepted norm on the web today.
The Contenders
I want to survey really popular sites. I also want to survey some content-centric sites, as well as some utility-type web-apps. The list has a Web 2.0 slant to it, but also include some old timers. Without further ado, the list is:
- The New York Times
- Facebook
- Twitter
- Stack Overflow
- Google Search
- Amazon
- Ebay
- BoagWorld
- Google Maps
- Google Docs
- Google Mail
- Remember The Milk
- Flickr
- Picasa Web
- YouTube
- Wordpress
- GitHub
Scoring System
- Can users navigate the site? (1 point)
- Can users read/view the content? (1 point)
- Is the site free of broken visual elements? (1 point)
- Can users perform the key tasks of the site? (1 point)
- Is the site free of broken input elements? (1 point)
- If things are broken, are users made aware of it? (1 point)
The New York Times

- Can users navigate the site? YES
- Can users read/view the content? YES
- Is the site free of broken visual elements? NO
- Can users perform the key tasks of the site? YES
- Is the site free of broken input elements? NO(video section)
- If things are broken, are users made aware of it? NO(video section)

- Can users navigate the site? YES
- Can users read/view the content? YES
- Is the site free of broken visual elements? NO
- Can users perform the key tasks of the site? NO
- Is the site free of broken input elements? NO(digg button broken)
- If things are broken, are users made aware of it? NO

- Can users navigate the site? YES
- Can users read/view the content? YES
- Is the site free of broken visual elements? YES
- Can users perform the key tasks of the site? NO(can't update status)
- Is the site free of broken input elements? NO
- If things are broken, are users made aware of it? NO
Facebook's score: 3/6.

Twitter looks great without Javascript, but guess what? You cannot tweet! Bummer. You also can't edit some of the settings in your profile.
- Can users navigate the site? YES
- Can users read/view the content? YES
- Is the site free of broken visual elements? YES
- Can users perform the key tasks of the site? NO
- Is the site free of broken input elements? NO
- If things are broken, are users made aware of it? NO
Stack Overflow

- Can users navigate the site? YES
- Can users read/view the content? YES
- Is the site free of broken visual elements? YES
- Can users perform the key tasks of the site? YES
- Is the site free of broken input elements? NO
- If things are broken, are users made aware of it? YES
Google Search

- Can users navigate the site? YES
- Can users read/view the content? YES
- Is the site free of broken visual elements? NO
- Can users perform the key tasks of the site? YES
- Is the site free of broken input elements? YES
- If things are broken, are users made aware of it? NO

- Can users navigate the site? YES
- Can users read/view the content? YES
- Is the site free of broken visual elements? NO
- Can users perform the key tasks of the site? YES
- Is the site free of broken input elements? NO
- If things are broken, are users made aware of it? NO

- Can users navigate the site? YES
- Can users read/view the content? YES
- Is the site free of broken visual elements? YES
- Can users perform the key tasks of the site? YES
- Is the site free of broken input elements? YES
- If things are broken, are users made aware of it? N/A

- Can users navigate the site? YES
- Can users read/view the content? YES
- Is the site free of broken visual elements? YES
- Can users perform the key tasks of the site? YES
- Is the site free of broken input elements? YES
- If things are broken, are users made aware of it? N/A

- Can users navigate the site? YES
- Can users read/view the content? YES
- Is the site free of broken visual elements? YES
- Can users perform the key tasks of the site? YES
- Is the site free of broken input elements? YES
- If things are broken, are users made aware of it? N/A
Google Maps

- Can users navigate the site? YES
- Can users read/view the content? YES
- Is the site free of broken visual elements? YES
- Can users perform the key tasks of the site? NO
- Is the site free of broken input elements? YES
- If things are broken, are users made aware of it? N/A
Google Docs

- Can users navigate the site? NO
- Can users read/view the content? NO
- Is the site free of broken visual elements? NO
- Can users perform the key tasks of the site? NO
- Is the site free of broken input elements? NO
- If things are broken, are users made aware of it? NO

- Can users navigate the site? YES
- Can users read/view the content? YES
- Is the site free of broken visual elements? NO
- Can users perform the key tasks of the site? YES
- Is the site free of broken input elements? YES
- If things are broken, are users made aware of it? NO
Remember The Milk

- Can users navigate the site? NO
- Can users read/view the content? NO
- Is the site free of broken visual elements? YES
- Can users perform the key tasks of the site? NO
- Is the site free of broken input elements? YES
- If things are broken, are users made aware of it? YES

- Can users navigate the site? YES
- Can users read/view the content? YES
- Is the site free of broken visual elements? YES
- Can users perform the key tasks of the site? YES
- Is the site free of broken input elements? NO
- If things are broken, are users made aware of it? NO
Picasa Web

- Can users navigate the site? NO
- Can users read/view the content? NO
- Is the site free of broken visual elements? NO
- Can users perform the key tasks of the site? NO
- Is the site free of broken input elements? NO
- If things are broken, are users made aware of it? YES

- Can users navigate the site? YES
- Can users read/view the content? NO
- Is the site free of broken visual elements? NO
- Can users perform the key tasks of the site? NO
- Is the site free of broken input elements? NO
- If things are broken, are users made aware of it? NO

- Can users navigate the site? YES
- Can users read/view the content? YES
- Is the site free of broken visual elements? YES
- Can users perform the key tasks of the site? YES
- Is the site free of broken input elements? NO
- If things are broken, are users made aware of it? NO

- Can users navigate the site? YES
- Can users read/view the content? YES
- Is the site free of broken visual elements? YES
- Can users perform the key tasks of the site? YES
- Is the site free of broken input elements? NO
- If things are broken, are users made aware of it? NO