I needed JSONP for WordyClouds, and since I am trying not to have to use jQuery, I just rolled my own. JSONP is a simple hack, so this is but a short little snippet:
var JSONP = {}
JSONP.get = function(url, callback){
var scriptTag = document.createElement('script')
var callbackName = '_' + new Date().getTime()
JSONP[callbackName] = function(){
callback.apply(null, arguments)
delete JSONP[callbackName]
if (url.indexOf('?') != -1)
url += '&callback=JSONP.' + callbackName
url += '?callback=JSONP.' + callbackName
scriptTag.src = url
Example usage:
JSONP.get('http://feeds.delicious.com/feeds/json/tags/your_username', function(data){
// Woohoo! You got data!