
Book Review: Python Testing Cookbook

This is the second of 2 Python book reviews. The book is Python Test Cookbook. 

This book is a very complete overview of all aspects of testing with Python. It starts out with simple unit tests, then moves on to nose, BDD, Doctest, acceptance testing, coverage, continuous integration, and smoke tests and load tests. The last chapter of the book gives you a number of advices for starting out with testing.

The Good

I enjoyed this book in that it gave me a birds-eye view of all the tools and techniques that are there for Python, many of which I didn't know about before. I also learn new things about things that I had already used before. Lastly, I liked the last chapter in which the author gives us his heart-felt experiences with testing. Although I don't agree with everything he says(running your tests once a day is way too few), there is a lot of good advice there as well as good stories.

The Bad

One thing that I don't like about this book is that it's too code heavy. Pages and pages of code are print onto the page with only interleaving explanations. I mostly skimmed those parts because reading code line-by-line like that is just too boring. Code is simply not meant to be read in a linear fashion. When you read code, you jump between different files rapidly in order to fill the in missing context as you try to gain an understanding of the code. An even better aid in reading code is the ability to execute the code and instrument it with print statements or stop it with the debugger and inspect the program state. So, in summary, code-heavy books just doesn't make sense. Perhaps instead of writing this as a book, we should just point the readers at a code repository?

The second problem is that not enough was done to motivate each technique that was used. The author didn't properly motivate why one should write unit tests at all. Or why use a given technique listed in the book. Only cursory introduction is given for each technique or tool, and then it was straight to the code. We dwelled too much time on the how and not on the why, which makes this book very unfriendly to beginners.

Summing Up

Overall, I would not recommend this book to beginners or people who are looking for an introduction to testing. I am on the fence about recommending it at all, but it might be helpful for people who are already familiar with test driven development but just haven't been doing it with Python.

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