Series: Debug School

1. Debug School 1: Incrementalism

Jun 27th 201814:00

This is part 1 of the Debug School video series where the concept of incrementalism is covered. Incrementalism is a strategy for writing code where you make small incremental changes to a piece of code, while testing the code after each change. Using this strategy helps you become aware of your mistakes earlier and be able to recover faster.

Watch “Debug School 1: Incrementalism”

2. Debug School 2: Reading Error Messages 1

Jun 27th 201814:08

This is part 2 of the Debug School video series. This episode explains the importance of reading error messages, even when you don't want to do it, and gives you a system for dealing with them when you encounter them.

Watch “Debug School 2: Reading Error Messages 1”

3. Debug School 3: Reading Error Messages 2

Jun 27th 201812:32

This is part 3 of the Debug School video series. It will cover reading stack traces within error messages: you know, the scare part of your error messages.

Watch “Debug School 3: Reading Error Messages 2”

4. Debug School 4: The Scientific Method

Jun 27th 201816:01

This is part 4 of the Debug School video series. This episode covers using the scientific method to approach debugging a problem. The scientific method is a scientific, explicit, and systematic to approach solving bugs. It will give you a system of dealing with software bugs.

Watch “Debug School 4: The Scientific Method”

5. Debug School 5: Test Case Simplification

Jun 27th 201811:53

This is part 5 of the Debug School video series. It introduces the concept of test case simplification. Test case simplification is the first of two power tools in debugging (#2 is the next lesson). It will enable you to corner bugs the same way the CIA is able to corner Will Smith: he can run, but he can't hide.

Watch “Debug School 5: Test Case Simplification”

6. Debug School 6: The Bug Sandwich

Jun 27th 201812:43

This is part 6 of the Debug School video series. It will cover the technique called The Bug Sandwich: the second of the debugging power tools. The Bug Sandwich is also known as delta debugging else where. Similarly to Test Case Simplification, once you have your Bug Sandwich trap setup, the bug simply has no where to escape.

Watch “Debug School 6: The Bug Sandwich”