This is the first episode of a series where you build your first programming language, using these videos as a guide. We’ve setup the syntax for a small programming language. You can clone this project and start getting to work. The project repository is
This is the second episode of a series where you build your first programming language, using these videos as a guide. We’ve setup the syntax for a small programming language. You can clone this project and start getting to work. The project repository is In this episode, we begin building the parser for the programming language, starting with variable assignment syntax.
This is the third episode of a series where you build your first programming language, using these videos as a guide. We’ve setup the syntax for a small programming language. You can clone this project and start getting to work. The project repository is In this episode, we write implement the ability parser function calls in the parser and modify the parser to be able to handle multiple lines of code.
This is the fourth episode of a series where you build your first programming language, using these videos as a guide. We’ve setup the syntax for a small programming language. You can clone this project and start getting to work. The project repository is In this episode, we write a code generator that produces JavaScript, in JavaScript.
This is the fifth episode of a series where you build your first programming language, using these videos as a guide. We’ve setup the syntax for a small programming language. You can clone this project and start getting to work. The project repository is In this episode, we write some runtime functions to allow users of the language to have a baseline of capability.
This is the sixth episode of a series where you build your first programming language, using these videos as a guide. We’ve setup the syntax for a small programming language. You can clone this project and start getting to work. The project repository is In this episode, we write code to parse lambda functions: the most powerful feature of this language.
This is the seventh episode of a series where you build your first programming language, using these videos as a guide. We’ve setup the syntax for a small programming language. You can clone this project and start getting to work. The project repository is In this episode, we add more proper whitespace handling to the language and run into some trouble, but nothing we can't debug our way out of.
Watch “Make Your Own Language 7: White Space and Ambiguous Grammar”
This is the eighth episode of a series where you build your first programming language, using these videos as a guide. We’ve setup the syntax for a small programming language. You can clone this project and start getting to work. The project repository is In this episode, we make the code generator for lambda functions and actually get the fibonacci series program to work!
This is the ninth episode of a series where you build your first programming language, using these videos as a guide. We’ve setup the syntax for a small programming language. You can clone this project and start getting to work. The project repository is In this episode, add comments and start on working a code challenge by get side-tracked on debugging some more ambiguous grammar.
Watch “Make Your Own Language 9: Comments and More Ambiguous grammar”
This is the tenth episode of a series where you build your first programming language, using these videos as a guide. We’ve setup the syntax for a small programming language. You can clone this project and start getting to work. The project repository is In this episode, we struggle through the roman numerals coding challenge, and see if this programming language is worth anything.